INSI Transport & Mobility

Transport & Mobility

INSI's transport & mobility service encompasses a compilation of data necessary to perform the analysis and evaluation of the current and future transportation needs. Our team of experts are initially involved in the preparation of a transportation system database to support the development of the technical analysis tool, as supplementary data that is needed to ensure the team understanding of the physical conditions, traffic volumes, and traffic flow patterns present. Our services include a review and evaluation of the client's existing goals, objectives, policies, transportation plans, against future economic development and land use by identifying areas of conflict, positive and negative impacts. Comprehensive analysis of the existing land use patterns and recommendations were compiled to improve and enhance inter-city mobility based on the existing transportation systems, such as public transport, pedestrian or bicycle movement patterns. We specialise in assessments of the existing state of roads and protection buffers and the transportation infrastructure, expansion of local existing roads, expansion and categorisation of planned roads by the national level, assessing intensity and capacity of junctions and major lanes, traffic circulation patterns, inter-and intra-municipal urban and rural transport routes, use of roads by cars, pedestrians, bicycles and other methods of transport, estimation of current public parking spaces, assessment of future needs for transport infrastructure, and assessment of municipal technical and financial capacities to implement the necessary transportation infrastructure network. Our team of experts are experienced in compiling a list of recommendations for future projects that would improve urban mobility, based on a model that will facilitate the examination of the impacts of the operational improvements such as intersection improvements (turn lanes, traffic signalization, signal timing coordination, and ITS strategies). This model will be used for any necessary corridor or subarea studies and evaluations.

INSI has recently finished drafting the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Fushë Kosova

INSI has recently finished drafting the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Fushë Kosova. Throughout preparing this vital document that will resolve traffic problems within the urban area, INSI has carried out various real-time traffic flow measurements using sophisticated high-tech drones and camera recordings that were later processed by the latest computer software to process statistical data. In order to identify peak traffic movements, these measurements were conducted throughout various months of the year and in each period, from seven days/24 hours. In addition, INSI has also produced stimulated scenarios regarding the potential traffic flows that could develop in the near future, using the latest state-of-art software. INSI së fundi ka përfunduar me hartimin e Planit të Qëndrueshëm të Lëvizshmërisë Urbane për Fushë Kosovën. Gjatë përgatitjes së këtij dokumenti shumë të rëndësishëm ,që do të zgjidhë në masë problemet e trafikut brenda zonës urbane, INSI ka kryer matje të ndryshme të fluksit të trafikut në kohë reale duke përdorur drone të sofistikuar të teknologjisë së lartë dhe regjistrime me kamera, të cilat më vonë u përpunuan nga softver më i fundit kompjuterik për të konvertuar në të dhënat statistikore. Për të identifikuar lëvizjet kulmore të trafikut, këto matje u kryen gjatë muajve të ndryshëm të vitit dhe në çdo periudhë ,nga shtatë ditë/24 orë. Përveç kësaj, INSI ka prodhuar gjithashtu skenarë të stimuluar në lidhje me flukset e mundshme të trafikut që mund të zhvillohen në të ardhmen e afërt, duke përdorur softuer më të fundit të teknologjisë.

Contact us


+383 44 999 007


Qendra tregtare, Hyzri Talla,
10000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
